The Advanced Technical Education and Training Course “THE SPIRIT OF THE PLACE” has been conceived to train people working in the development and promotion of the historic villas and residences of the territory.
It is an alternative to University courses, and is aimed at training experts in the development, definition and promotion of plans for tourism development and territorial promotion (248) It was approved by decree 4105 of 23/03/2017.
The course is organized by Fondazione Campus Studi del Mediterraneo (Lead partner, accreditation code LU0458), in collaboration with: the school I.S.I. Carlo Piaggia, the social enterprise Per-Corso agenzia formativa srl, the school ISI Sandro Pertini, the University of Pisa, Tenuta San Pietro srl, Fondazione Festival Pucciniano and Opera Network.
The course is free of charge, since it is financed by the Region Tuscany with resources from the regional OP ESF 2014/2020
Download the official poster THE SPIRIT OF THE PLACE Developing and promoting the historic villas and residences of the territory
The project has a total duration of 800 hours, with 530 hours of taught classes, 30 hours of tutoring and 240 hours of internship.
Period: October 2017 – June 2018
Location: Fondazione Campus Studi del Mediterraneo (via del Seminario Prima n. 790, Monte S. Quirico, Lucca tel. 0583 333420)
The course is free of charge and attendance is compulsory for at least 70% of the total hours with this percentage including at least 50% of the internship activities.
The company –structural and organizational elements | 40 |
Support computer tools | 44 |
Tools and techniques for demand analysis | 28 |
Techniques for negotiation and external relations management | 40 |
Territorial analysis | 72 |
The tourist offer in a systemic view | 72 |
Techniques of operational marketing for tourism | 66 |
PROJECT WORK 1: Proposal of an integrated tourist package – culture, environment, typical products | 20 |
Development of international tourism markets | 80 |
PROJECT WORK 2: Tourist offers targeting foreign clients | 20 |
Promotional activities and event creation | 28 |
PROJECT WORK 3: Planning a local event-show | 20 |
Internship | 240 |
The project is intended for 20 young and adult participants being unemployed or employed and holding a high school diploma.
Access to IFTS courses is permitted also to anyone having been admitted to the last year of high school, under legislative decree 17 October 2005 No. 226, as well as to anyone not holding a high school diploma, upon verification of the skills acquired in previous education, training and work experiences not being prior to the completion of compulsory schooling, referred to in the regulation adopted through the decree of the Ministry of Education 22/08/2007 No. 139. The beneficiaries of the project may also include anyone holding a professional degree as Technicians (referred to in Legislative Decree. 17/10/2005, No. 226, Art. 20, Par. 1, letter C).
Admission requirements: Computer skills at ECDL level and A2 English.
Applications shall be submitted through the dedicated regional form, accompanied by a Curriculum vitae and a copy of the identity document, by 1 p.m. of 04/10/2017 at Fondazione Campus, via del Seminario Prima 790, Monte S.Quirico, Lucca, tel. 0583 3333420 – Chiara Nicolai chiara.nicolai(at) or Martina Bertacchi martina.bertacchi(at)
Applications may be submitted personally or sent by mail to the address of Fondazione Campus provided above, or to Per-Corso Agenzia Formativa Via Del Brennero 1040BK int.1 Lucca; tel. 0583.333305.
The application form may be found at the addresses mentioned above or downloaded by clicking here.
During the application, and only at that stage, it will be possible to request the recognition of credits by completing the dedicated form, that you may download here. Any request of recognition being submitted after the enrolment application will not be accepted.
A selection of the applications will be carried out in case they exceed the number of places available. Such selection will be made on 10 and 11 October 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Fondazione Campus.
After passing the final exam, each participant will receive the qualification as “Expert in the development, definition and promotion of tourist development and territorial promotion plans”.
Such professionals will work in companies of the tourism sector, cultural and tourist offices of the Public Administration, tourism promotion companies, tour operators, tourism and hotel organizations, and will work in the development of integrated tourist routes, in the organization of events, in tourism marketing and local animation.